Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm dumb, but still, nothing works

Some things that have failed to work today:
  1. Picasa 3.0 on linux (doesn't sign in)
  2. Picasa's web uploader (froze after 6 pictures as my laptop's battery was dying)
  3. The internet, in Internet Cafe #1
  4. Internet Cafe #2's fax machine
  5. Blogger, right now. It's not loading the text box to enter text. I've been composing in Notepad.
  6. India Rail's website (not even to book tickets, just to see if they exist!)
  7. Finding the post office. I'm staying on Post Office Road. I walk up and down the length of Post Office Road to get everywhere. I cannot find the post office.
  8. The receiving fax machine at Dehradun Vipassana meditation center
  9. The phone at the Dehradun Vipassana meditation center
  10. Information on how to apply for a permit to visit the Gaurmakh glacier on the internet
  11. The receiving fax machine at the Dehradun Forest Office (where I guess you actually should apply for said permit)
  12. The phone at the Dehradun Forest Office
  13. The phone at the Uttarkashi Forest Office
  14. The travel agency I was going to use to book all this (closed)
... okay, that's not quite everything. I guess it's enough of "everything" to be frustrating? And while 7-14 can be explained by the fact that it's Sunday (duh), 1-6 are due at least in part to the fact that the internet does not work, which is much more frustrating than I'd have thought.

Also, another problem is that sometimes you get cascading chains of failures. Like "I need to buy a bus ticket. Okay, this guy doesn't have the right tickets. This guy either. Okay, now this guy does- but I'm low on cash. Have to go to an ATM. The ATM is broken. The other ATM has a long line." If everything works 95% of the time, then you can do a series of 8 errands in 8 errands' time, or at worst 9 errands' time. But if that number goes down to say 50%, then it'll take 8+4+2+1=15 errands' time.

But I have plenty of time, which means the only problem is that I'm frustrated, mostly because it's tantalizingly similar to my regular life here. Hmm. Maybe that deserves a bit more thought.

EDIT: 15. Google Maps crashes Firefox 4.0 beta 9 on this WinXP machine with who-knows-what installed.


  1. "A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving." - Lao Tzu

    Maybe the inefficiencies are a mystical way to slow you down. Efficiency is over-rated. Ask any toddler.

  2. Maybe! Or rather, it makes me glad I have slowed down. 10 days here means that even if I miss the deadline for something, I can just do it tomorrow.


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